Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Color | Color | Details | |
Clear | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Choose yes to hide the WordPress logo in front of site links in the admin bar. Branding customization options need to be enabled. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Choose yes to hide the WordPress logo in front of site links in the admin bar. Branding customization options need to be enabled.
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Choose Yes to disable the WordPress pointers | Seleccione Sí para desactivar los "WordPress pointers" | Details | |
Choose Yes to disable the WordPress pointers Seleccione Sí para desactivar los "WordPress pointers"
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Choose yes if you want to customize the order of the WordPress admin main menu. | Seleccione Sí si desea personalizar el orden del menú principal de WordPress. | Details | |
Choose yes if you want to customize the order of the WordPress admin main menu. Seleccione Sí si desea personalizar el orden del menú principal de WordPress.
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Choose yes if you want to apply the same Admin Color Scheme to all your users. You can also customize the colors. This will also hide the option to choose a Color Scheme on the Profile Screen. | Escoja Sí si desea aplicar el mismo Esquema de colores administrativo a todos los usuarios. También puede personalizar los colores. Además esto ocultará la opción para escoger el esquema de colores en la pantalla de perfil. | Details | |
Choose yes if you want to apply the same Admin Color Scheme to all your users. You can also customize the colors. This will also hide the option to choose a Color Scheme on the Profile Screen. Escoja Sí si desea aplicar el mismo Esquema de colores administrativo a todos los usuarios. También puede personalizar los colores. Además esto ocultará la opción para escoger el esquema de colores en la pantalla de perfil.
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Choose yes and admin bar items will be hidden from the super administrator. Choose no and you will need to log in as another user role to see actual changes. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Choose yes and admin bar items will be hidden from the super administrator. Choose no and you will need to log in as another user role to see actual changes.
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Choose no if you are having problems with the emails sent by the system. | Seleccione no si tiene problemas con los correos electrónicos enviados por el sistema. | Details | |
Choose no if you are having problems with the emails sent by the system. Seleccione no si tiene problemas con los correos electrónicos enviados por el sistema.
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Choose a role from the dropdown, and press the button. This will restore all the administrative capabilities to the chosen role. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Choose a role from the dropdown, and press the button. This will restore all the administrative capabilities to the chosen role.
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Choose a Color Scheme to use as base for the Color Customization. This determines the icons set to be used. | Escoja un esquema de colores para usar como base para la personalización de color. Esto determina el conjunto de iconos a usar. | Details | |
Choose a Color Scheme to use as base for the Color Customization. This determines the icons set to be used. Escoja un esquema de colores para usar como base para la personalización de color. Esto determina el conjunto de iconos a usar.
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Choose %s to remove the word '— WordPress' from the header title on the admin area.<br />Note:Prior to WP3.1 there was no filter for the title, so it is removed with javascript on wordpress versions prior to 3.1. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Choose %s to remove the word '— WordPress' from the header title on the admin area.<br />Note:Prior to WP3.1 there was no filter for the title, so it is removed with javascript on wordpress versions prior to 3.1.
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Choose %s to customize the login screen | Seleccione %s para personalizar la pantalla de login | Details | |
Choose %s to customize the login screen Seleccione %s para personalizar la pantalla de login
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Choose %s to customize the login form | Seleccione %s para personalizar el formulario de login | Details | |
Choose %s to customize the login form Seleccione %s para personalizar el formulario de login
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Choose %s to customize the admin | Escoja %s para personalizar el admin | Details | |
Choose %s to customize the admin Escoja %s para personalizar el admin
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Choose %s to activate the Custom Login HTML Template and CSS | Escoja %s para activar la plantilla html de la pantalla de login y el css | Details | |
Choose %s to activate the Custom Login HTML Template and CSS Escoja %s para activar la plantilla html de la pantalla de login y el css
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